Tara Schile


Tara Schile is a wife, an author, an entrepreneur, a makeup artist, a singer, a beauty queen, a poker player, one of the guys, a girly girl, a Star Trek geek, an artist, an actress, an introverted extrovert, a teacher, a good friend, a party hostess, a costume-maker, a daughter, a sister, a sister-in-law, a godmother, an aunt, a granddaughter, a niece, a cousin, a filmmaker, a director, a playwright, a movie-lover, a photographer, a twisted mind, a klutz, a traveler, a note-taker, a leader, a follower, a stargazer, a cat owner (x3), a pirate-lover, an organized mess, an oxymoron, and a genuine laugher.

There's a story for everything -

and it's in the book!


BONUS: Here's the link for the opening of  Tara and Ryan's wedding ceremony--where a FIGHT SCENE takes place! No kidding! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vex32C5p23k

Photo of Tara as Ms. Spirit American Renaissance by StudioPrimetime Photography.

Sincere Tara

My favorite color is glitter.

I'm the mother of three boys,

wife of my favorite person to laugh with.

Life is too short to fill your heart with hate,

so this tumblr is full of things I love.

This picture is so much happiness that my eyes have disappeared entirely. That was the year so many people sent me a birthday card with instructions not to open it until Oct 23rd (organized by Ryan). I was DELIGHTED, to say the least, at my pile of wonderful happy notes and cards. I have always loved getting mail. 🎃 #TaraSchileTurns40 #HalloweenBirthday #ILoveMail

Posted 120 weeks ago

Really loved the #SandersonSisters cupcakes I made today! #HocusPocus2 was super fun.

#TaraBakes2022 #TaraSchileTurns40

Posted 120 weeks ago

Just finished this book today. It’s so good. And it was a perfect read for Halloween season! Highly highly recommend. #TheNearWitch #VESchwab @veschwab

Posted 120 weeks ago

Today’s picture is from New Smyrna Beach a few years ago, my hometown. Thinking of my beach today, with this hurricane Ian madness, and missing my family.


Posted 120 weeks ago

Today’s post is two versions of me, or at least that’s what it feels like sometimes—the curly and the straight. The curly version is my natural, wild hair, which can be pretty or an unmanageable nest. The straight version feels controlled and tamed, and can be pretty or look stuck to my head. Over the years, I’ve tried less to force my hair into straightened submission and have started allowing it to be curly and wild more often. Sometimes being wild feels nice. #TaraSchileTurns40 #CurlyHair

Posted 120 weeks ago

Today’s picture is to celebrate my renewed love of reading. I went a few years without reading much, but I’m back to juggling several books at a time and devouring great stories. My original goal a few years ago was to read 12 books by my next birthday, but I surpassed that. So now I just keep track of how many pages each book was and I have a grand total for the year. Some books are small, books I read aloud to the kids (currently the Borrowers series), some are big and heavy and wonderful (currently Gallant and The Near Witch, both by V.E. Schwab). I love having this love back in my life and I’ll keep reading forever. #TaraSchileTurns40 #LoveofReading #PracticalMagic

Posted 121 weeks ago

It’s Fall! Today’s picture is from a day one fall where one of my besties took me on a surprise adventure for my birthday! I’ve always loved Autumn, especially because of my birthday, but also because the change in the year speaks to my soul. I feel most alive in the fall. #TaraSchileTurns40

Posted 121 weeks ago

I spent a lot of my thirties pregnant. Four pregnancies and three babies from age 31 to 37. I was in awe of my body and what she could do. I felt proud of my belly for the first time ever. And the third trimester with each of these boys was an exhausting home stretch that lead to an exhausting newborn phase at home. My thirties were for making our family. Now my forties will be for adventures with these three wonderful kids I grew from scratch and their awesome Daddy. #TaraSchileTurns40

Posted 122 weeks ago

Things I’ve avoided over the years include red lipstick and wearing all of my hair up, mostly because it’s such a bold look and I tend to hide behind my hair. This night in my thirties wasn’t about me, it was about my awesome husband and the award he’d won, so I went for it. I still won’t do either one often, but I felt good this night. Trying new things and getting out of your comfort zone is worth it. #TaraSchileTurns40

Posted 122 weeks ago

Today’s picture is of the week I took a chance on a clothing company, and though it didn’t work out the way I hoped (for lots of reasons), I learned a lot about myself in that adventure. Tiara Tuesdays were my favorite live sale days, for obvious reasons. 💜🧡🖤 Sometimes even a failure is a success. #TaraSchileTurns40

Posted 122 weeks ago

Not Everything I Say is Nonsense PAPERBACK

$ 15.00 USD

The paperback book is yours for just $15!


Not Everything I Say is Nonsense AUDIO BOOK

$ 23.00 USD

The audio book is read aloud in Tara's voice. The two disc set is yours for $23!


Not Everything I Say is Nonsense PAPERBACK & AUDIOBOOK SET

$ 34.00 USD

Save a few dollars and get them as a set! Read along with the audiobook, or give the paperback as a gift!
You get the paperback version AND the audiobook for just $34!


We're Just the Size of Grown Ups

$ 18.00 USD

A fun, funny, and touching read!


Price includes shipping anywhere in the U.S.!

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